IPWEA / DELWP Integrated Water Management Workshops

Getting Integration into Integrated Water Management

Capturing the Potential of Stormwater

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In collaboration with IPWEA VIC and DELWP a series of four regional workshops have been organised called "Getting Integration into Integrated Water Management". The workshops featured a Capturing the Potential of Stormwater presentation made by IV Water ('read online' version). The workshops took place in Colac, Maryborough, Narre Warren and Traralgon featuring presentations by stakeholders from all sectors within the industry.

Integrated Water Management: Nurturing Our Most Vital Resource

Water is undeniably one of our most essential resources, sustaining life and playing a crucial role in various aspects of our daily existence. However, increasing demands, climate change, and environmental degradation are placing tremendous stress on water supplies worldwide. Integrated Water Management (IWM) emerges as a comprehensive and sustainable approach to safeguarding this precious resource for present and future generations.

Defining Integrated Water Management

Integrated Water Management is a holistic and adaptive approach that seeks to optimise water use, balance competing needs, and protect the environment. It involves the effective coordination of policies, technologies, and practices across multiple sectors to address water-related challenges comprehensively.

The principles:

  • Water Efficiency: promoting practices that minimise waste and optimise water consumption. This includes innovation, managing water loss, and implementing effective irrigation practices.
  • Source Diversification: relying solely on a single water source is risky, especially in times of scarcity. The key is to diversify water sources, such as rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, and recycling, to ensure a reliable supply.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: collaboration, cooperation and engagement of all stakeholders are vital to developing sustainable water management plans.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: as climate patterns change and water demands fluctuate, creating resilient systems that can adapt to uncertainties and withstand unforeseen challenges is a must.

The components:

  • Water Recycling and Reuse: treating and recycling wastewater for non-potable uses like irrigation, industrial processes, and toilet flushing. This reduces the pressure on freshwater resources and minimises pollution discharge.
  • Rainwater Harvesting: capturing rainwater and storing it for later use. Rainwater harvesting not only supplements water supplies but also reduces stormwater runoff and erosion.
  • Sustainable Urban Planning: incorporation of water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) principles, integrating green spaces, permeable surfaces, and water-efficient infrastructure to manage urban water runoff and enhance water quality.
  • Ecosystem Restoration: protecting and restoring natural water bodies, wetlands, and watersheds. Healthy ecosystems contribute to improved water quality and ensure a balanced water cycle.

The benefits:

  • Water Conservation: optimisation of water usage, ensuring more efficient and responsible consumption, ultimately reducing water wastage and preserving this valuable resource.
  • Climate Resilience: helping communities withstand the impacts of climate change, such as droughts and floods.
  • Environmental Protection: minimises pollution and enhances ecosystem health, contributing to the preservation of biodiversity and natural habitats.
  • Economic Advantages: water-efficient practices and the use of recycled water can lead to cost savings.

Integrated Water Management is a critical tool in confronting the complex challenges of water scarcity, pollution, and climate change. By embracing a comprehensive approach that combines conservation, recycling, and ecosystem protection, IWM offers a sustainable path towards ensuring water security for current and future generations. Embracing this approach is not only an investment in our environment but also a commitment to the prosperity and well-being of our global community.

What We've Done for Others

  • All
  • Integrated
  • Stormwater
  • Wastewater
  • Maintenance
  • Industrial
  • Guidelines
WSUD Workshop exploring OPEX cost reduction
  • IPWEA WSUD Workshop

  • OPEX cost reduction
Our pride and joy - Melbourne Olympic Park Stormwater Harvesting Scheme
  • Melbourne Olympic Park

  • 52 mill. litres of water annually
Alice Springs Waste Water Reuse Scheme
  • Alice Smart Effluent Reuse

  • 6 mill. litres of water daily
WSUD Workshop exploring OPEX cost reduction
  • City of Banyule WSUD

  • OPEX cost reduction
Improving drainage
  • Fonterra, Darnum Drainage

  • Safety and functionality improved
Integrated Water Management Collaborations
  • IPWEA / DELWP IWM Workshops

  • Collaboration initiated
Stormwater Harvesting at the Botanic Gardens
  • Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens

  • Improved system performance
Sewer Mining at Yarra Park
  • Yarra Park Sewer Mining

  • 180 mill. litres of Class A water annually
More value and less money. Auditing of contracts
  • Port Phillip Value for Money

  • Service contracts audit
Best practice in integrated water management
  • Water Recycling Conference 2019

  • Best practice in Integrated Water Management
Maintaining stormwater harvesting scheme assets
  • Banyule Stormwater Harvesting

  • Optimal method of asset maintenance
Sewer mining and better reuse of wastewater
  • Sunshine Golf Sewer Mining

  • Design, tendering and project management
Stormwater harvesting guidelines
  • Stormwater Harvesting Guidelines

  • Developing industry standard
Mining and sustainability
  • Moranbah Water Study

  • Developing sustainable mining strategies
Operation and maintenance: best practice
  • Melbourne Sports Precinct Tour

  • Best practice in design, operation and maintenance
Machinery auditing
  • Lafarge Holcim Audits

  • Structural audits of plant and equipment
Mining and maintaining of assets
  • Grantville Quarry Infrastructure

  • Design and implementation
Stormwater treatment devices
  • Road Map Report

  • Stormwater treatment devices performance verification

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