About IV Water

Proven track record Practical Solutions Civil Infrastructure Experts

"...meeting the stakeholders objectives and project timelines."
- Tom Stephanou, City West Water



Proven Track Record. Why? Because we care!

IV Water is a specialist consulting and project management group established to provide best engineering and management advice in water infrastructure development throughout all stages of your project; planning, design, delivery, operation and maintenance. We have had extensive experience and a proven track record to show.

  • Delivering optimal engineering and management advice that nurtures partnership with our customers.
  • Multidisciplinary engineering excellence. We are proud in what we do and in how we do it and how our work impacts the environment.
  • Providing practical implementable solutions to complex water resource management issues in Australia and Worldwide. Innovation is the key.
  • Our clients value our efforts to provide economical and effective solutions and our clients are very, very important to us.

Practical Solutions: It's All About Water

Water is of vital importance to every living organism on the planet; necessary for sustenance, evolution and progress.

Water means different things to different people and while often associated with peace and harmony, it has the tremendous power to shift mountains and destroy cities. Every one of us is a user and also a manager of water, yet we take it for granted. We must understand that without water there will be nothing.

At IV Water we consider a full water cycle on projects that involve collection, delivery, treatment storage and supply of water and in the management of wastewater, drainage and flooding.

Why do we talk about practical solutions. Well, firstly, as we had mentioned already, we have a proven track record in the water infrustructure industry. And secondly, our experience covers many facets of the industry making us a water infrastructure specialist. But there is more.

Yes, our focus is on providing practical solutions to our customers. That means you, of course. However, our most valued customer is the environment and we must ensure that it receives an equal share of our services, because a happy environment makes everyone happy.

Stormwater Harvesting and Management Specialists

We manage and harvest stormwater using principles of sustainability and liveability that deliver the best economic, social and environmental outcomes for all, now and in the future.

We offer a full suite of services required for planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of successful stormwater schemes.

Please read our most recent article related to stormwater management for residential developments

We provide practical water management solutions to complex engineering projects.

Stormwater Harvesting achieves the principles of integrated water management within the space constraints of an urban environment and reduces the volume of stormwater run-off to local drains and waterways, cools down our environment and helps to ease the risk of flooding. It also reduces the impact of pollution on water quality and stream flow and helps to meet the water conservation objectives.

Well designed, built and maintained stormwater harvesting scheme is a great way to manage water, helping the environment, and creating a money-saver for any business to harness natures own, water.

Water Infrastructure Experts

Our experience in water infrastructure design spans over a decade of hard work and dedication to the stormwater cause. The required skills and expertise have been developed via involvement in a variety but also a complexity of iconic projects like EastLink and Melbourne Airport business park as well as a series of smaller subdivisional type projects where the constructability and cost effectiveness of the design solutions were tested against the strict Authority requirements (e.g. Melbourne Water) and operational and maintenance considerations.

This is a list of water infrastructure services that we can offer, however we are engineering and project management professionals not only in water infrsutructure industry:

Operation, Maintenance and Water Integration Specialists

Our extensive experience in water management, spanning from drainage and WSUD to stormwater harvesting, allowed us to manage budgets and assist our customers in realising savings within their annual operation and maintenance budgets through functional design and precise system of inspection and maintenance planning.

We remain committed to working with our customers to deliver integrated water services in ways that provide value for money while enhancing the liveability of current and future generations.

Waste Water Reuse Professional Services

This is it isn't it - waste water. Our experts can assist you with planning, approvals, design and delivery of your waste water reuse schemes including:

  • Grey water collection and reuse
  • Sewer mining
  • Effluent reuse
  • Industrial water reuse

Waste water reuse provides a secure, reliable and rainfall independent supply of 'fit for purpose' water that is suitable for many end uses.

Working Together to Build a Better Future

Sustainable and Clean Environment

Let's Talk Business

 (03) 9502 4229

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